Autor |
Tytuł |
Rok |
Publikacja  |
Tom |
Strony |
Baranowski, M |
General Geographic Database of Poland as an element of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure |
2004 |
Annals of Geomatics |
2 |
25-30 |
Michalak, J |
DEM data obtained from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission – SRTM-3 |
2004 |
Annals of Geomatics |
2 |
33-44 |
Hanslik, A |
Spatial data sharing among local communities |
2004 |
Annals of Geomatics |
2 |
45-47 |
Litwin, L; Guzik, M |
A geographical database model for national parks as an element of Spatial Data Infrastructure |
2004 |
Annals of Geomatics |
2 |
48-52 |
Michalak, J |
Multilingual european subset of Unicode in geospatial data encoding |
2004 |
Annals of Geomatics |
2 |
53-66 |