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46–50 z 807 rekordów: Logowanie

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  Autor Tytuł Rok Publikacja (up) Tom Strony Linki
Grala, N; Brach, M Analysis of GNSS receiver accuracy in the forest environment 2009 Annals of Geomatics 7 41-45 details   url
Jarocińska, A; Zagajewski, B Remote sensing tools for analyzing state and condition of vegetation 2009 Annals of Geomatics 7 42-53 details   url
Kokoeva, G Impact of climate change on Petrova Glacier of the Ak-Shyjrak Massif (Kyrgyzstan) using remote sensing data 2009 Annals of Geomatics 7 55-61 details   url
Kupidura, P; Jakubiak, M The morphological filtering of the remote sensing images for the noise reduction comparing to traditional filters 2009 Annals of Geomatics 7 63-68 details   url
Kupidura, P The concept of the islands extraction in satellite images using mathematical morphology 2009 Annals of Geomatics 7 69-73 details   url
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Uwaga: W artykule przewidzianym do druku w Rocznikach Geomatyki użyj stylu:
            • TextCitation do utworzenia pliku z numerami rekordów,
            • Deep Sea Res do przygotowania listy literatury.

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