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Autor Tytuł Rok Publikacja Tom (up) Strony
Lewińska, K.E Land cover classification using multi-temporal MODIS satelite data 2009 Annals of Geomatics 7 75-81
Lozano Parra, F.J; Gutiérrez, Á.G; Fernández, M.P; Lavado Contador, J.F Classification of morphometric units from digital terrain models: applications in land cover classification 2009 Annals of Geomatics 7 83-89
Nasiłowska, S Land-use change analysis in the basin of the Upper Narew river using Landsat data and archival topographic maps 2009 Annals of Geomatics 7 91-98
Niemiec, M Satellite remote sensing for water erosion assessment 2009 Annals of Geomatics 7 99-106
Olesiuk, D; Bachmann, M; Habermeyer, M; Heldens, W; Zagajewski, B Crop classification with neural networks using airborne hyperspectral imagery 2009 Annals of Geomatics 7 107-112